To get a clear sense of the various buildings and spaces inside Paul’s Churchyard, click on the image above or the link below to take a video trip around the Churchyard.
We now have a high-definition video, created by Caroline Cox, MArch, of a journey around the Churchyard, in various conditions of weather and various times of day, hence different qualities and intensities of light.
The Cathedral video shows the full length of the Cathedral in its setting at the heart of the Churchyard. It is about 5 minutes long. To see it, go HERE.
This video joins the two fly-around videos we made for the Virtual Paul’s Cross website. You can compare the three videos to get an overview of the Churchyard and all its buildings, as well as to see various stages in the construction of the Visual Model as well as differing views of our understanding of how to model the buildings and the spaces around them.
The second video combines Joshua Stephens’ Visual Model of Paul’s Churchyard with Jordan Gray’s renderings of this model to show conditions of weather, season, and age to the model. This video is used in the installation of the Virtual Paul’s Cross Project at NC State University’s James B Hunt Library. It is also about 5 minutes long. You may see this video by clicking on the link HERE.
The third fly-around video shows Joshua Stephens’ Visual Model of Paul’s Churchyard in its pristine state. To see this version of the Visual Model of Paul’s Cross and Paul’s Churchyard click HERE. This video lasts about a minute and a half.
All these videos are high-definition videos which therefore can be viewed in full high definition HDTV format (1080 lines of vertical resolution). For the full effect, when you get to the video, click on the toothed wheel icon on the bottom of the YouTube screen, choose 1080 HD, then choose full screen viewing.
For another approach to visualizing seventeenth-century London, go here to the video produced by Pudding Lane Productions. In this video, the Pudding Lane folks show us the narrow streets of commercial and residential London, but do not seem to have included St Paul’s Cathedral in their tour.