EXPLORE The Visual Model
The pages attached to this page provide several opportunities to explore the Visual Models, both the Exterior Model and the Interior Model, in a variety of different media formats.
The images on this page of the website (except for the one at the top of this page) are all from the Virtual Reality Model, described below.

The pages Exterior Tour and Interior Tour provide guided walking tours around the Exterior Model and the Interior Model.
Go HERE for the Exterior Tour. Go HERE for the Interior Tour.

The Page Explore Panoramic Images provides a series of five 360 degree panoramic images, four from the Nave and one from the Choir, that help us locate places within the Interior Model and understand their relationship to one another.

The image above is a panoramic image (this one of of the Choir) seen without benefit of a panoramic image viewer. To see this image and others WITH a panoramic image viewer, click on the link below.
Go HERE to explore the Panoramic Images.

The Fly-Around page gives access to a five-minute video created by Caroline Cox, MArch, exploring the Exterior Model by way of a circular tour of the Cathedral and of the buildings adjacent to it.
Go HERE to fly around the Exterior Model.
The VR page gives us access to a Virtual Reality program that provides the ability to explore on one’s own the Cathedral’s Choir, either by using one’s computer or by using an Oculus or Vive headset. Go HERE to experience the VR Model.