There is nothing read in our churches but the canonical Scriptures, whereby it cometh to pass that the Psalter is said over once in thirty days, the New Testament four times, and the Old Testament once in the year. . . . . And, after a certain number of psalms read, which are limited according to the dates of the month, for morning and evening prayer we have two lessons, whereof the first is taken out of the Old Testament, the second out of the New; and of these latter, that in the morning is out of the Gospels, the other in the afternoon out of some one of the Epistles. — William Harrison, A Description of England (1577)
This page of the Cathedral Project website allows the user to experience the four services of Easter Day and the two services of Tuesday in the first week of Advent from a single Listening Position among the five different Listening Positions we have chosen as representative of the acoustic experience of worship in the Choir of St Paul’s Cathedral during Donne’s tenure as Dean.
To hear each full day of services from the South Aisle, click on one of the blocks below. There is a link to an annotated script provided for each service. To experience each service from the five different Listening Positions on a single page of the site, go to the Services page.

The services for Easter Day include Morning Prayer (or Matins), the Great Litany, Holy Communion (with sermon by Lancelot Andrewes), and Evening Prayer (or Evensong).
Easter Day


The services for the Tuesday after the First Sunday in Advent, 1625 including Morning Prayer (or Matins) and Evening Prayer (or Evensong).
The Tuesday after the
First Sunday in

Evening Prayer

To return to the services for Easter Sunday 1624, click on the box below.